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Thomas W. Kozlowski

Thomas W. Kozlowski

Associate Director of Operations
Joint Commission International


•Over 35 years of experience in health care •Chief Executive Officer of a 13-site state operation for a private ambulatory health care agency •Leader in a variety of not-for-profit and investor-owned health care delivery organizations •Over 15 years of experience at The Joint Commission and 18 years at Joint Commission International Thomas Kozlowski joined Joint Commission Resources in 2001 and subsequently consulted with both domestic and international health care organizations in the areas of accreditation readiness and standards compliance. Dr. Kozlowski's consulting expertise in hospital, ambulatory care, behavioral health care, and long term care settings includes operational assessment; patient safety assessment; environment of care; executive leadership and governing bodies; performance improvement; implementation strategies for rapid response teams; electronic health record assessment; and incorporating tracer methodology and the periodic performance review as management tools. Dr. Kozlowski has consulted internationally in Asia Pacific Region, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. EXPERIENCE WITH HEALTH CARE FACILITIES •Associate Director of Operations for the Accreditation Division, The Joint Commission •Associate Director for the Department of Standards, The Joint Commission •Administrator in freestanding hospitals, inpatient and outpatient mental health and chemical dependency programs, residential programs, and foster care organizations •Chief Executive Officer for ambulatory health care statewide system •Interim Director of Accreditation/Regulation and Quality for an academic teaching acute care hospital and multi-site ambulatory system •Corporate Director of Quality Improvement and Research for a multi-state health maintenance organization

Research Interest

Healthcare Administration